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What is the Purpose of Social Media and Its Importance?

What is the Purpose of Social Media and Its Importance
Roopak Gupta
min read

Wall posts, status, check-in, filters, heart, memes, tweets…

This is certainly not an alien language! It’s the language of the generation today.

If you spend a little or a lot of time on social media, you’ll know exactly what we are talking about.

From nestling at Starbucks, sipping your favorite coffee, going through the feeds of what your near and dear ones are up to, to ‘hearting’ what mesmerizes you and following what your favorite celebrity has to say, social media has become a part and parcel of everyone’s existence.

What is Social Media?

Instead of throwing a definition in a Shakespearean English curated by web-geniuses to explain social media, let us do it in a fairly fun and an easy way by breaking the two words.

The ‘Social’ part refers to the exchange of information among people.

The ‘Media’ part refers to the medium of communication just like the internet.

T.V, radio, newspapers and magazines are examples of the primitive form of media.

To pull up a definition now, ‘social media’ is the series of websites and applications designed to permit people to share content quickly, efficiently and in real-time.

The interaction can occur in many forms. Popular ones include:

  • Sharing links
  • Sharing pictures, posts and videos
  • Public updates to a profile (Up to date information inclusive of pictures, locations, blogs, etc.)

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, LinkedIn and over 340 other social websites make up the trend of Social Media Marketing.

They are also referred to as ‘Social media platforms’ as they entitle the development, deployment and management of social media solutions and services.

Free social media management tools are available to manage multiple social media platform

But why do you need social media? What is its purpose?

We dwell in an era where it’s not possible to be physically connected to everybody we know.

Our childhood friends, high school pals, best friends, teachers, relatives staying abroad, the list is practically endless.

Today, thanks to social media connectivity cannot get any easier and more fun than this.

How important is social media for my business?

Remember the post that went viral? Or the video that crossed 10 million views on YouTube? That’s how miraculous social media is!

Nothing defines the success or failure of your business like social media in the 21st century.

So that’s how important social media for your business is in the 21st century.

Businesses - big or small, and even startups see quantum profit potential through social media. And why not?

Billions around the world love to utilize social media and its apps for various purposes. It allows easy accessibility and response.

However, the greatest advantage of having a social media presence is the reduced costs of marketing.

Having a presence on social media saves a business from investing thousands of dollars on putting up hoardings, distributing pamphlets and more only to announce you exist.

But merely having a social media presence isn’t enough.

An active presence is what counts. An active presence on social media channels is what fetches brand loyalty.

The businessman-customer and product-service relationship operates strictly on trust. Not only having social media presence offers increased brand recognition, but it also builds trust between the two.

It also promotes equal participation from the parties hence, benefitting both.

Your brand can get excellent visibility through Search Engine Optimization. This helps you stand out from your fellow competitors.

The key ingredient to a fabulous social media channel is - creativity and social marketing strategy.

Roopak Gupta

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